Recently, for reasons far too specific and out of the ordinary to go into, I was on a bus full of people in their very early 20s. Upon reflection, I have some suggestions.
To the men….
* You will learn more from the world if you stop trying to teach it your opinion.
* Agreeing with someone doesn’t make you sound weak. Disagreeing doesn’t make you sound smart.
* Be as passionate about people as you are about sports.
* Remember there is a human being on the other end of that text (/ snap / DM). You can do a small part to reduce human suffering if you say what you mean and do what you say.
* The world does not owe you inspiration. Find it.
* People do not owe you attention. Earn it.
* If you are not informed, it is appropriate to not have an opinion.
To the women…
* Having a complicated life does not make you more interesting. Starting fights over mole hills makes for high-ratings reality TV, but I promise you actual reality is much more enjoyable if you just flow with it.
* Disliking things does not make you more interesting. Somewhere you learned that disinterest looks intelligent and aloof looks cool. The sooner you stop living above the world, the sooner you will start enjoying it. Remarkable things are happening all around you. Smile at them.
* You are not fat or old. You make people uncomfortable when you say you are. Happiness comes less from what you look like and more from what you look at.
* You don’t need to figure out your whole life today. You just need to figure out your day. Attempting the first makes the second nearly impossible.
* You will never figure out why he does or doesn’t or did or didn’t. People’s motivations are nuanced and complicated and often hidden even from themselves. The sooner you dispel the notion that you’ll figure him out by talking about him, the sooner you can start living that more interesting life.
* You have to, just HAVE to, stop saying “literally” so much
To all: You’re beautiful and wonderful and talented and you’re plopped in a country that undervalues humility and kindness, but I promise, those attributes make relationships last and life a lot more fun.
Love and Sunshine.
Someone in his very early 30s.