Coco Chanel famously said: Before you leave the house, look in the mirror and take one thing off. Not today, Coco. Some days a girl's gotta go extra. Because what if that one thing is what makes it yours? What are we giving up when we're toning down? And when did fitting in become more important than being fabulous? It's been said that New York never sleeps. It's also the city that never shuts up. Construction sites, car alarms, bus stops, bar fights, upstairs neighbors, subway screeches, sirens, pigeons, parties, pigeon parties. Still, I couldn't help but wonder: Is the loudest sound in all of New York the voice inside your head? Thinking too much about what other people think and not enough about what makes you happy. And if we can't even take risks with clothes, what else are we missing out on? Some days you have to say no to Coco and yes to Youyou, look in the mirror, and add one thing: quiet confidence. Because it takes more than feathers, gold, and sparkle to live as loud as New York. #CarrieDragshaw