Meanwhile uptown, I was living a teenage dream in a castle on a cloud, high above Central Park. The thing is, when you’re a teenager, you look at adults and see freedom: No Parents. No Rules. But when you’re an adult, you look at teenagers and see freedom: No Bosses. No Bills. I couldn’t help but wonder: When did getting older go from dream to dread? When it comes to growing up, were some of us too chicken to cross the road? Or maybe, every once in a while, you can make the mature adult decision to act like a rebellious adolescent. To serve a giant Kentucky Fried F*ck You to deadlines, diets, dating and the rest of reality. In life, most days you get dressed and conquer the world. So some days you can get stoned and eat from a bucket. You can solve your problems in your Prada mañana. Today, channel your inner Ferris Bueller and put 'em in the f*ck it bucket. Because in a fast-paced city like New York, sometimes you’ve got to hop out of the speedboat and just splash around—even if you might get caught. After all, before a flower can grow, it needs a little pot. #CarrieDragshaw