Life is full of labels. Dior, Chanel. Normal, Weird. Democrat, Republican. Masculine, Feminine. And life can be a little simpler if you just pick a side. As I stood searching for a cab, I had a thought: Maybe someone would pick me up if I was a little easier to understand. I couldn’t help but wonder: Even in the Big Apple, was it better to think INside the box? To smooth your edges to fit their expectations? Or are some of us just meant to mix colors? U-nited state with red & blue? After all, some of the best inventions started as contrasts: Prada Sport. Discount Luxury. Athleisure. Golden Doodles. Mermaids. Maybe life should be less about square pegs & round holes, and more about making your own shape. Defying category. Because the future is built by butch queens, femme daddies, modern families, strong women, sensitive men, chubby models, sexy feminists, nerdy athletes, driven stoners, friendly exes, lovable weirdos, and sissy little boys who turned their Superman cape into a skirt. I guess some girls aren't meant to fit inside categories. They're meant to break the rules, bust the boxes, burst their bubbles, and dare to live by love, not labels. #CarrieDragshaw