The universe is full of laws. If you drop an apple from a tree, it will fall. If you heat water to 100 degrees, it will boil. And if you look like sh*t, you will run into your ex. I stood stiff as a headboard on the floor of the furniture expo as my armoire of old boyfriends burst open. To me, Big and Aidan lived in different universes—but here they were, together. Room & Bored meets William Sono-no. Maybe dating is like furniture shopping. You’ve got your comfortable recliners that feel great, but don’t excite you. And you’ve got your sleek designer armchairs, that look great on the showroom floor but cause nothing but pain when you take them home. Is love just an afternoon at Crate & Barrel, choosing between comfortable and exciting? The problem is, you’re never boy-crazy for the La-Z-Boy. And that’s another law of the universe: The head can’t beat the heart. So maybe what you really need is less Pottery, more Barney's. A man that's like a good pink bra: sexy AND supportive. Catches your eye and is there to lift you up. Because this booth b*tch comes "some assembly required." But with the right finish we could be fabulous. #CarrieDragshaw