It can be scary to be alone with your thoughts. Table for one, Fettuccine Afraid-o. Dessert? No Sor-bae, just Tirami-so-lonely. As I sat dejected at my empty birthday party, I started thinking about thinking. Why was the voice inside our head so often negative? We beat ourselves up over imperfections, focus too much on our flaws, compare & despair with the ones who are already married, always skinny, also rich, or almost perfect. I couldn't help but wonder: Did I need to break up with the voice inside my head? If my inner monologue were a pasta at Il Cantinori, would I send it back for being cold and salty? That birthday I didn't make a wish, I made a promise: to love myself more. To make my inner voice less like an emotionally abusive boyfriend and more like a totally supportive best friend, or an optimistic grandma: building you up, encouraging you to try new things, reminding you how pretty you are without makeup and telling you to have that second slice of cake. Because life's your party and you can cry if you want to... but you can smile if you try to. So maybe alone isn't such a bad way to spend your birthday. After all, the most exciting, challenging, significant relationship of all is the one you have with yourself. And if you can find a way to love yourself more—well that's the greatest birthday gift of all. #CarrieDragshaw